Its Paul Ryans Week, But Its Still Mitt Romneys Race (The Note)

Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats' attacks? : Videos

Mitt Romney Paul Ryan Radical Budget Axeman Throwing Baby Boomers Off The Train MEPAC Obama.wmv
Mitt Romney Paul Ryan Radical Budget Axeman Throwing Baby Boomers Off The Train MEPAC Obama.wmv

Mitt Romney Paul Ryan Radical Budget Axeman Throwing Baby Boomers Off The Train MEPAC Obama.wmv

Mitt Romney's selection of Paul Ryan is a victory for Democrats and America. He is certain to lose the election, with this Tea Party ' ... Rated: 2     Duration: 197 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Sun, 12 Aug 2012 07:55:59 PDT

Does Mitt Romney Even WANT to be President?
Does Mitt Romney Even WANT to be President?

Does Mitt Romney Even WANT to be President?

--Bill Scher from Campaign for America's Future and joins us to discuss the latest polling in the Presidential election ... Rated: 4.6666665     Duration: 584 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Mon, 06 Aug 2012 12:30:09 PDT

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: Back to the Failed Top-Down Policies
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: Back to the Failed Top-Down Policies

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: Back to the Failed Top-Down Policies

Learn more about Romney and Ryan: OFA.BO Paul Ryan is the mastermind behind the extreme GOP budget plan. It's a plan Mitt Romney endorses. But ... Rated: 3.4037895     Duration: 95 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Sat, 11 Aug 2012 07:06:35 PDT

Republican presidential battle could get messy
Republican presidential battle could get messy

Republican presidential battle could get messy

On February 6, it all seemed so clear. Mitt Romney had won landslides in Florida and Nevada and looked set to soon lock up the Republican ... Rated: -1     Duration: 76 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Mon, 20 Feb 2012 11:24:52 PST

Rick Perry Says Foreign Aid Would Start At Zero, Even For Israel
Rick Perry Says Foreign Aid Would Start At Zero, Even For Israel

Rick Perry Says Foreign Aid Would Start At Zero, Even For Israel

calculation. "Governor Romney was talking about Pakistan when he said the foreign aid each year should start at zero," Romney spokesman ... Rated: 5     Duration: 163 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Sun, 13 Nov 2011 02:24:35 PST

Romney PICKS PAUL RYAN as VP - Vice Presidential Running Mate
Romney PICKS PAUL RYAN as VP - Vice Presidential Running Mate

Romney PICKS PAUL RYAN as VP - Vice Presidential Running Mate

Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has picked Congressman Paul Ryan as his VP choice to run with him against Barack Obama for the November 6 ... Rated: 2.6     Duration: 166 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Sat, 11 Aug 2012 05:11:21 PDT

Ryan Paul Is Mitt Romney Vice Presidential Choice
Ryan Paul Is Mitt Romney Vice Presidential Choice

Ryan Paul Is Mitt Romney Vice Presidential Choice

US Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has picked congressman Paul Ryan to be his running mate to help him try to win the White House ... Rated: -1     Duration: 92 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Sat, 11 Aug 2012 09:39:47 PDT

Watch Mitt Romney Announce Paul Ryan as Running Mate
Watch Mitt Romney Announce Paul Ryan as Running Mate

Watch Mitt Romney Announce Paul Ryan as Running Mate

For more on Vote 2012: Mitt Romney on Saturday morning formally announced he has chosen Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., as his vice ... Rated: 2.7846153     Duration: 2194 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Sat, 11 Aug 2012 11:25:18 PDT

Paul Ryan Is Mitt Romey Choice For Vice Presidency
Paul Ryan Is Mitt Romey Choice For Vice Presidency

Paul Ryan Is Mitt Romey Choice For Vice Presidency

US Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has picked congressman Paul Ryan to be his running mate to help him try to win the White House ... Rated: -1     Duration: 92 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Sat, 11 Aug 2012 21:19:45 PDT

The Broken Branch: How Congress is Failing America and How to Get it Back on Track
The Broken Branch: How Congress is Failing America and How to Get it Back on Track

The Broken Branch: How Congress is Failing America and How to Get it Back on Track

The National Archives Experience Presents Former members of Congress Thomas Mann, Norm Ornstein, Matt McHugh, Connie Morella, and Dennis Hurtel ... Rated: 4.3846154     Duration: 5899 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: on Sat, 10 Dec 2011 04:25:12 PST

Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks?
Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks?

Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks?

Mitt Romney is enjoying an initial burst of energy after adding Rep. Paul Ryan to the Republican presidential ticket. He is drawing the biggest and most enthusiastic crowds of his campaign, the same way that GOP nominee John McCain did four years ago - Uploaded to

Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats' attacks? : Photo Gallery

Can Mitt Romney deflect the Democrats' attacks? - The Washington Post
Can Mitt Romney deflect the Democrats' attacks? - The Washington Post

Can Mitt Romney deflect the Democrats' attacks? - The Washington Post

Can Mitt Romney deflect the Democrats' attacks? - The Washington Post

Can Romney and Ryan get their

field negro
field negro

field negro

field negro

couldn't have been better.




Are these Democratic attacks

Paul Ryan's budget: Democrats' ace in the hole? - The Washington Post
Paul Ryan's budget: Democrats' ace in the hole? - The Washington Post

Paul Ryan's budget: Democrats' ace in the hole? - The Washington Post

Paul Ryan's budget: Democrats' ace in the hole? - The Washington Post

Democrats have gotten

A Risky Rationale Behind Romney's Choice of Ryan - NYTimes.
A Risky Rationale Behind Romney's Choice of Ryan - NYTimes.

A Risky Rationale Behind Romney's Choice of Ryan - NYTimes.

A Risky Rationale Behind Romney's Choice of Ryan - NYTimes.

Can Mr. Ryan help Mr. Romney

2012 August | ThinkProgress
2012 August | ThinkProgress

2012 August | ThinkProgress

2012 August | ThinkProgress

In two speeches over the last

The Ryan Pick….Why Democrats Should Be Worried | Flopping Aces
The Ryan Pick….Why Democrats Should Be Worried | Flopping Aces

The Ryan Pick….Why Democrats Should Be Worried | Flopping Aces

The Ryan Pick….Why Democrats Should Be Worried | Flopping Aces

Ryan is the way Romney and his

Daily Kos: Only one side can be right about Paul Ryan, so which is it?
Daily Kos: Only one side can be right about Paul Ryan, so which is it?

Daily Kos: Only one side can be right about Paul Ryan, so which is it?

Daily Kos: Only one side can be right about Paul Ryan, so which is it?

Mitt Romney's selection of

National Review Online
National Review Online

National Review Online

National Review Online

So what would Ryan do?

Live blog: Mitt Romney's V.P. announcement – CNN Political Ticker ...
Live blog: Mitt Romney's V.P. announcement – CNN Political Ticker ...

Live blog: Mitt Romney's V.P. announcement – CNN Political Ticker ...

Live blog: Mitt Romney's V.P. announcement – CNN Political Ticker ...

Can't remember if I mentioned

My Reactions to the Ryan Reaction | Mother Jones
My Reactions to the Ryan Reaction | Mother Jones

My Reactions to the Ryan Reaction | Mother Jones

My Reactions to the Ryan Reaction | Mother Jones

But I do have a few comments

Editorial: Ryan budget plots sound future course | The Detroit ...
Editorial: Ryan budget plots sound future course | The Detroit ...

Editorial: Ryan budget plots sound future course | The Detroit ...

Editorial: Ryan budget plots sound future course | The Detroit ...

Remember last year's

First Read
First Read

First Read

First Read

With those remarks, Romney may

What Democrats can learn from Romney-Ryanonomics | Dean Baker ...
What Democrats can learn from Romney-Ryanonomics | Dean Baker ...

What Democrats can learn from Romney-Ryanonomics | Dean Baker ...

What Democrats can learn from Romney-Ryanonomics | Dean Baker ...

Mitt Romney jokes with Paul

NewsDaily: Romney camp steps up response to Democrats' attacks
NewsDaily: Romney camp steps up response to Democrats' attacks

NewsDaily: Romney camp steps up response to Democrats' attacks

NewsDaily: Romney camp steps up response to Democrats' attacks

This week, those Romney

Obama AGAIN paints Ryan as a granny killer for his medicare ...
Obama AGAIN paints Ryan as a granny killer for his medicare ...

Obama AGAIN paints Ryan as a granny killer for his medicare ...

Obama AGAIN paints Ryan as a granny killer for his medicare ...

electing Romney and Ryan

Romney campaign takes to airwaves with Medicare response
Romney campaign takes to airwaves with Medicare response

Romney campaign takes to airwaves with Medicare response

Romney campaign takes to airwaves with Medicare response

(CNN) - Mitt Romney's campaign is taking their pushback on Democratic attacks on Paul Ryan's Medicare plan from the campaign trail and surrogate interviews to the commercial breaks. The Republican presidential campaign ... The Romney campaign says the ...

Jewish swing voter Ed Koch pans Romney-Ryan ticket on budget, entitlements
Jewish swing voter Ed Koch pans Romney-Ryan ticket on budget, entitlements

Jewish swing voter Ed Koch pans Romney-Ryan ticket on budget, entitlements

Jewish swing voter Ed Koch pans Romney-Ryan ticket on budget, entitlements

... influence on their votes are not going to be so easily bulldozed by the Mediscare routine. Voters who believe the president will sell out Israel are not the most receptive audience for a Democratic campaign based on the idea that Romney and Ryan ...

Obama, Romney spar over Medicare in battleground states
Obama, Romney spar over Medicare in battleground states

Obama, Romney spar over Medicare in battleground states

Obama, Romney spar over Medicare in battleground states

To counter consistent Democratic attacks in recent days against Ryan's Medicare proposals, the new Romney ad sought to turn the tables by contending the money senior citizens have paid into Medicare for years will instead fund Obama's 2010 health care ...

It's Paul Ryan's Week, But It's Still Mitt Romney's Race (The Note)
It's Paul Ryan's Week, But It's Still Mitt Romney's Race (The Note)

It's Paul Ryan's Week, But It's Still Mitt Romney's Race (The Note)

It's Paul Ryan's Week, But It's Still Mitt Romney's Race (The Note)

“Ryan's speech was an early indicator that the Romney campaign will not go out of its way to showcase the project to which Ryan has devoted the last few years of his professional life,” York writes. “[We] might ... And, it could be a potent rejoinder ...

Paul Ryan: Bold Move By Romney, More Ammo For Democrats, Or Both?
Paul Ryan: Bold Move By Romney, More Ammo For Democrats, Or Both?

Paul Ryan: Bold Move By Romney, More Ammo For Democrats, Or Both?

Paul Ryan: Bold Move By Romney, More Ammo For Democrats, Or Both?

But I am bothered that Romney's insipid message does not rise to the challenge this nation faces. Maybe the milquetoast pantywaist candy-assed soft-focus 'Believe in America' shtick will prove sufficient under a relentless barrage of nakedly thuggish ...

Biden: Romney's Wall Street will 'put y'all back in chains'
Biden: Romney's Wall Street will 'put y'all back in chains'

Biden: Romney's Wall Street will 'put y'all back in chains'

Biden: Romney's Wall Street will 'put y'all back in chains'

I'm using their own words. I got a message for them. If you want to know what's outrageous, it's their policies and the effects of their policies on middle class America. That's what's outrageous." The former Massachusetts governor has previously ...

Led by Obama in Iowa, Democrats claim Romney quietly supports Ryan's budgets
Led by Obama in Iowa, Democrats claim Romney quietly supports Ryan's budgets

Led by Obama in Iowa, Democrats claim Romney quietly supports Ryan's budgets

Led by Obama in Iowa, Democrats claim Romney quietly supports Ryan's budgets

Democrats counter that Ryan's presence on the ticket will make it easier to tag Romney with political ownership of the budgets that Republicans pushed through the House in 2011 and again this year. They say it will help their candidates in House and ...

Can Romney And Ryan Seize The 'High Ground'?
Can Romney And Ryan Seize The 'High Ground'?

Can Romney And Ryan Seize The 'High Ground'?

Can Romney And Ryan Seize The 'High Ground'?

So, under this thoughtful approach, Obama couldn't attack Romney's business record, which he's running on, but Romney could attack Obama's political record. How does Ryan make this high-ground gambit possible? Through his "Sad Paul" persona: ... guilty ...

Democrats hit Ryan Medicare proposals as Romney heads to Florida
Democrats hit Ryan Medicare proposals as Romney heads to Florida

Democrats hit Ryan Medicare proposals as Romney heads to Florida

Democrats hit Ryan Medicare proposals as Romney heads to Florida

(CNN) – Democrats followed through on a pledge Monday to peg presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney to the budget plan advanced by his running mate Paul Ryan, releasing web video calling the House Budget chairman's proposals to change Medicare an ... "I ...

Democrats move quickly to link Romney and Ryan to House Republicans
Democrats move quickly to link Romney and Ryan to House Republicans

Democrats move quickly to link Romney and Ryan to House Republicans

Democrats move quickly to link Romney and Ryan to House Republicans

Biden sought to break through Romney's efforts to put some distance between his proposals and Ryan's austere budget plans, which Democrats believe could give them an opening with seniors fearful of his proposed overhaul of Medicare. “Let's cut through ...

Campaign shifts momentarily to energy policy, but Democrats keep after GOP on ...
Campaign shifts momentarily to energy policy, but Democrats keep after GOP on ...

Campaign shifts momentarily to energy policy, but Democrats keep after GOP on ...

Campaign shifts momentarily to energy policy, but Democrats keep after GOP on ...

“By the end of my second term, I'll make this commitment: We will have American, we will have North American energy independence,” Romney said at a coal mine in Beallsville. .... Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats' attacks?

Is the Roll Out of the Ryan Pick Already Spinning Out of Control?
Is the Roll Out of the Ryan Pick Already Spinning Out of Control?

Is the Roll Out of the Ryan Pick Already Spinning Out of Control?

Is the Roll Out of the Ryan Pick Already Spinning Out of Control?

Bog Romney down in a debate over entitlement reform (the old making seniors choose between their meds and food trick) as a way to distract everyone from talking about the economy, the one issue that is lethal to President Obama. If they could keep ...

In fresh attack on GOP ticket, Obama blames Ryan for blocking farm bill, both ...
In fresh attack on GOP ticket, Obama blames Ryan for blocking farm bill, both ...

In fresh attack on GOP ticket, Obama blames Ryan for blocking farm bill, both ...

In fresh attack on GOP ticket, Obama blames Ryan for blocking farm bill, both ...

Biden sought to break through Romney's efforts to put some distance between his proposals and Ryan's austere budget plans, which Democrats believe could give them an opening with seniors fearful of his proposed overhaul of Medicare. "Let's cut through ...

Paul Ryan's Liberal Fan Club
Paul Ryan's Liberal Fan Club

Paul Ryan's Liberal Fan Club

Paul Ryan's Liberal Fan Club

There is one point on which Democratic strategists and the hard right are united: they fervidly support Mitt Romney's decision to choose Paul Ryan, Republican of Wisconsin, as his vice-presidential running mate. Geoff Garin, a Democratic pollster who ...

Ryan tells crowd that Romney will jump-start economy
Ryan tells crowd that Romney will jump-start economy

Ryan tells crowd that Romney will jump-start economy

Ryan tells crowd that Romney will jump-start economy

Moreover, Ryan said a Romney administration can create 12 million jobs in four years and get the economy growing — a message Romney himself hit on less than two weeks ago during a campaign stop at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. "We are ... Ryan ...

Romney's pick of Ryan as his running mate energizes conservatives, opponents
Romney's pick of Ryan as his running mate energizes conservatives, opponents

Romney's pick of Ryan as his running mate energizes conservatives, opponents

Romney's pick of Ryan as his running mate energizes conservatives, opponents

Steve Israel, chairman of Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, "For the last 18 months, we've said Republicans will have to defend the indefensible -- their vote to end Medicare. Now with Congressman Ryan ... The announcement comes at the end ...

Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats' attacks? : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

The American Spectator : Paul Ryan's Bipartisan Selling Points

Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney's running mate was a boffo success, one theme that didn't get enough emphasis from the two principals was the bipartisan provenance of Ryan's Medicare proposal that is already the target of such fierce ... While Democrats can still attack the proposal as a bad idea, there is no way they can get away with painting it as a mean-spirited, dangerous plan if a mainstream/liberal Democrat (ADA rating 95%, SEIU rating 91%) is its co-author.

Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats ...

7 hours ago ... View this blog post and others related to: Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan. ... Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats' attacks?

Romney's magnificent Ryan roll out continues | RedState

2 days ago ... The Democrats' attack machine will do everything they can to undermine Ryan's favorability numbers. ... Romney/Ryan can advance through that flak and say: ... As Romney/Ryan make the case for their choices over Obama's … we do .... That's the message of personal responsibility Romney and Ryan ...

Boehner praises Romney, says 'there were safer choices' than Ryan ...

Obama and the Democrats this weekend quickly launched new attacks on Romney, hoping to tie the presumptive GOP nominee to Ryan's controversial budget proposals. "It would have been easy for Gov. Romney to just go ...

Republican Presidential Ticket Faces Growing Pains As Democrats ...

They have quickly set out to draw attention to Ryan's plans, which contain deep cuts in projected spending in social programs as well as changes to Medicare for future retirees, and to try and saddle Romney with their political ownership. Polling generally shows that the public places more trust in Democrats' ability to handle Medicare than they do Republicans, and that people also generally oppose plans to replace the current program with one in which future seniors ...

Is It Always Like This?

Im not sure theres any way to be prepared for something like this, Jon Huntsman told me last month. He was reflecting on his debut a few days earlier as a prospective presidential candidate: a gorgeous Thursday evening in New Hampshire when his chartered plane touched down at a little airport and a waiting Suburban whisked him off to Jesses, - By MATT BAI

Ryan Pick Gives Obama Chance to Change Subject

The selection of Representative Paul D. Ryan as the Republican vice-presidential candidate provides President Obama with something he has been eagerly looking for — a bigger target. A race that has revolved, at least in part, around each month’s mediocre jobs report and Mr. Obama’s persistent failure to move unemployment below 8 - By PETER BAKER

Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats ...

7 hours ago ... Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats' attacks? ♢ “ Defining moment” is an overused phrase in politics, but not this week ...

Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats ...

7 hours ago ... “Defining moment” is an overused phrase in politics, but not this week. Mitt Romney's selection of Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running ...

Romney's magnificent Ryan roll out continues | RedState

NBC's Mark Murray and Domenico Montanaro wrote that in picking Ryan signal's that Romney's “doubling down on an austerity/deficit-reduction message. Indeed, while the Obama campaign and Democrats could point to visible improvements with the economy over the past three years (a lower unemployment rate, stronger GDP growth), there hasn't been much progress in reducing the deficit. The deficit was $1.4 trillion in FY '09; $1.3 trillion in '10; $1.5 trillion in '11 ...

Can Romney and Ryan get their message past - Washington Post

8 hours ago ... Mitt Romney is enjoying an initial burst of energy after adding Rep. Paul Ryan to the Republican presidential ticket. He is drawing the biggest ...

Romney Already Running From Ryan Budget, Attacking Democrats for

3 days ago ... Romney's administration will go through the budget line by line and ... exact same message about how the Ryan plan would end Medicare as ... We know that this is going to be what Democrats try to pin on Romney and Ryan, as they have ... Both Romney and Ryan cited this exact statistic in their speeches ...

Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats - News

Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:57pm EDT * Ryan energizing donors on Wall Street scene * But his ability to attract small donors unclear * Candidate's Midwe [...] ... Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats' attacks?

Romney did Obama a huge favor -

1 day ago ... In picking Ryan, Romney gave conservatives what they wanted ... He says that in Paul Ryan, conservatives get their wish but it may ... The Romney-Ryan team will tell you that fixing Medicare is crucial to their plans for economic growth. .... message and play a key role in attacking the views of Democrats ...

Romney Already Running From Ryan Budget, Attacking Democrats for

Romney's administration will go through the budget line by line and ask two questions: Can we afford it? And, if not ... I must have received 100 emails today from Democratic surrogates, House candidates, Senate candidates, party committees, and the President's campaign, all with the exact same message about how the Ryan plan would end Medicare as we know it. We know that ... Both Romney and Ryan cited this exact statistic in their speeches today. I'm so old I ...

THE MONEY ISSUE; Obamas Not-So-Hot Date With Wall Street

In late January, Brad Thompson, the Obama campaigns chief liaison to major donors in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, called some of his contacts in the area, most of them Wall Street executives. The presidents next trip to town would be in early March. Would they be interested in helping to host a small dinner? For Obama -- and therefore - Pres Obamas re-election campaign has been struggling to raise money from wealthy donors, many of them Wall Street executives, due to the campaigns populist themes; Obamas frequent fund-raising visits to New York City illustrate the extent to which the campaign needs to woo these donors away from presumptive Republican rival Mitt Romney. Charts, Photos (L) - By NICHOLAS CONFESSORE

THE 37TH PRESIDENT; In Three Decades, Nixon Tasted Crisis and Defeat, Victory, Ruin and Revival

To millions of Americans, Richard Milhous Nixon was the most puzzling and fascinating politician of his time. He was a man of high intelligence and innovative concepts whose talents, especially in international affairs, were widely respected by both friend and foe. Yet he was so motivated by hatreds and fears that he abused his powers and resorted - By JOHN HERBERS

New Romney ad attacks Obama on welfare « Hot Air

Team Obama will ramp up their attacks on the GOP ticket by claiming that Ryan's entitlement reforms will cost seniors their Medicare benefits, which got the Lie of the Year from Politifact in 2011. The more that Obama and his allies attack on entitlements, though, the better contrast Romney will get over Obama's waiver of work requirements — even if fact-checkers don't like Romney's claims any better than Democrat attacks on Ryan's budget. If Obama wants to have a ...

Is Paul Ryan harming congressional candidates? - The Arena ...

If the candidate of either party has not turned their backs on the voters, ... Martin Frost Attorney, former Democratic congressman : ... This was a message we were already talking about on the trail, but now we have a ... It means Romney-Ryan can run on principles and provide some real ... Did we attack him on corruption?

Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats ...

Defining moment” is an overused phrase in politics, but not this week. Mitt Romney's selection of Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running mate has all the appearances of making these weeks another potential pivot point in ...

Building a Better Mitt-Bot

Your story about dust regulation captures my interest, Mitt Romney said to the farmer, sounding as if he actually meant it. It was a late October afternoon in Treynor, Iowa, the setting for one of those campaign meta-events at which a presidential candidate enjoys a casual moment with real people that is in fact carefully staged and dutifully - Robert Draper article examines reasons behind decision by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romneys campaign to portray him as a fixer and a business man, rather than someone voters would feel comfortable having a beer with. Photos (L)a - By ROBERT DRAPER

#romney news: Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post news: Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post
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Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats’ attacks? – Washington Post Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats’ attacks? – Washington Post
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Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post #News #Headlines via #newzsocialCan Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post #News #Headlines via #newzsocial
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Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCan Ro... Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCan Ro...
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Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCan Ro... Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCan Ro...
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#news: Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The A... #googleupdate#news: Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The A... #googleupdate
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Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCan Ro... Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCan Ro...
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Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCan Ro... Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCan Ro...
From: Araqs3 - Source: twitterfeed

Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCan Ro... Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCan Ro...
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Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCan Ro... Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCan Ro...
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Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCan Ro... Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCan Ro...
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Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCan Ro... Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCan Ro...
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Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCan Ro... Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCan Ro...
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Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCan Ro... Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCan Ro...
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Can Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCa... #fbCan Romney and Ryan get their message past the Democrats attacks? - Washington Post: The Associated PressCa... #fb
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