Turkeys: Some people eat them, some feed them : Photo Gallery
Turkeys: Some people eat them, some feed them : Videos
Turkeys: Some people eat them, some feed them : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
what is good to feed a dog that has been diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease?
What is optimal to feed a dog with inflammatory bowel disease?
Predisone is given twice a day
Refuses standard solid dog food
Refuses turkey
Refuses rice
Just started eating today after two weeks
Current diet: Chicken
I feel that chicken may not be the best option to feed a dog with this disease. If there are any other options that you believe that my dog will consume, then let me know. Thank you.
Answer: I'd start looking into a raw diet asap.
Category: Dogs
Raising Chicks
Turkey poults, guinea keets and peachicks are raised roughly the same as chicks , but ... I'm trying to add pictures of purebred chicks to help people identify these. ... Shipping can be hard on some chicks and a sign of that stress is that they get their butts ... They may start eating them, which will block them up and kill them.
I am looking for people that feed their dogs a raw diet?
Hey I am looking for people who feed their dogs raw diets. Do you have any good links? What type of things to do you feed your dogs? What are their fav things to eat? We are feeding eggs, chicken, rice and cheese once a day and dry food (canidae all life stages) once a day for the older dogs and twice a day for the puppy. We want to feed all raw but we need more information about it. So if you feed raw please let us know of some good sites and any other information you can give us. Thanks!
Answer: One thing that is important for you to know is for your dog to receive the maximum benefit of raw feeding, you have to cut out the kibble completely. Raw food and kibble digest differently. You will read more about this in the links below.
The links I have prepared for you are ones that I have researched myself as well as ones that were sent to me when I joined the yahoo group for rawfeeding. I would suggest signing up for it. It is free to register, they don't spam you and you can opt out at anytime. http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/rawfeeding/
Why I chose to feed my dog a raw food diet:
I adopted my lab/pit mix at 1 year old. He had been a stray and was the most amazing dog I have ever met. It was love at first sight. When I brought him home, I fed him (quality) kibble. He had daily diarrhea, often several times a day. I felt horrible for him. We were at the vet twice in the first month for his bowel problems. My vet told me to feed Science Diet, Sensitive Stomach Formula. I knew that SD is crap food, but I was desperate to help my dog. It worked! Then I found out that not only is there no nutriton in SD, but they add stool hardeners! I was so mad. The food was only masking the problem.
I knew there had to be a better way. I was heavily reading everything I could about canine nutrition. I had my dog tested for allergies. (dogs can be sensititve to something without being allergic) I changed food every few weeks trying to fnd something nutritious that wouldn't make his bowels expode.
I started cooking boiled chicken and rice for him and only feeding him that because that was the only way he'd stop having diarrhea and I could actually know exactly what he was eating. There had to be a better way.
I had heard of raw feeing but it sounded crazy to me. I mean, feeding your dog bones? That's insane! They could choke! Well, after careful research and consulting with my vet, I decided that I had tried everything else and this was worth a shot. It turns out raw bones are GOOD for them! They don't splinter like cooked bones. They clean the dogs teeth. This is what a dog's digestive system was meant to eat!
Aside from the diarrhea, my dog suffered frequent ear infections, UTIs, and anal gland infections. He had gas, bad breath and the frequent diarrhea. All of that is now gone! He is so healthy and his immune system fights off everything on his own. There are no more monthly trips to the vet (so costly!) and he has so much energy.
I always suggest everyone should at least look into raw feeding, even if their dog is already healthy. Keep him that way, right?
My dog is almost 80lbs and he eats 2.5 lbs of raw a day. He gets half of a chicken in the morning and his evening meal varies including eggs, veggies, duck, venison, bison, beef, turkey, fish, organs, etc. He loves it! There is nothing more satisfying than hearing him crunch on those bones because I know it makes him so healthy and happy.
Keep in mind, you have to be careful with bone/meat ratio (explained in links) and what kinds of raw you are feeding. (example, too many organs or weight bearing bones can be bad)
http://www.rawmeatybones.com/ http://rawfed.com/myths/preymodel.html
I wish you the best and if I think of anything else, I will edit!
Category: Dogs
How do I feed brine fish eggs?
My brine fish eggs are growing, and they should be more bigger by tomorrow. But I dont know how I should feed them. This one book says to take an eyedropper to take up shrimp and put them in a dish of fresh brine shrimp eggs, with some yeast. But I have this box that is a shrimpery and it says for me to feed my baby fish from the fresh water in the collection boottle. I dont understand that.
Answer: When the brine shrimp hatch. you collect them with something (eyedropper, turkey baster, etc) and put them in your fish tank.
If you are feeding fry, you'll want to rinse them with tapwater to take care of any bacteria on the shrimp. This isn't necessary for larger fish, but it can be the difference between having healthy fry and ones that just never seem to do well.
With the San Francisco Bay little black hatcher box with the collection vial that sits on top, you can take the vial off and dump that directly into your fish tank when it gets full of brine shrimp. I've found that its easier for my fish to find the shrimp in their tank if I dump the collection vial full of shrimp into a brine shrimp net (they're white, mine has a blue handle) and then suck up just the shrimp with an eyedropper. The fish soon learn that the eyedropper means food.
If you want to grow the brine shrimp, then you'll need to put them in a tank with fresh brine and some yeast for the shrimp to eat. This can turn messy and stinky. I've found that spirulina powder is a much better food for brine shrimp. It doesn't foul the water. The benefits to having your own brine shrimp farm is that your bigger fish will appreciate the bigger shrimp, and that they'll start producing babies in there, making a never-ending supply.
Category: Fish
Turkey, Turkeys, Domestic Turkeys, Wild Turkeys, Turkies
Temperament, When most people think of a turkey they think of Thanksgiving dinner. While most who raise turkeys raise them for eating, some keep turkeys as pets. ... eat bugs and some will not take to the turkey feed you buy at the farm store.
Bird Feeding Myths - Urban Legends About Feeding Birds
Feeding Birds Makes Them Dependent on Handouts ... Some people refuse to offer peanut butter to birds with the misconception that the ... Quail, doves and sparrows often eat milo, as will other ground feeding birds such as wild turkeys and ...
What do you feed a 20 month old outside of home?
I am having a tough time figuring out what to feed my 20 month year old daughter for lunch when we are away from home. I am not crazy about giving her fast food - does anyone have any suggestions of what to buy, or what to bring with me on the road? Thanks!
Answer: Our daughter likes all of the elements of a sandwich, just cut up into small pieces, and served separately. Sort of like a Lunchables that you put together yourself - cut up pieces of turkey or chicken (if we have grilled chicken breasts for dinner, sometimes we throw an extra one on the grill to serve for lunch the next day), cut up cheese, and either crackers or a slice of bread. I serve this along with some cut up fresh fruit, or a whole banana (which is easy to bring along), sometimes yogurt, and some sort of vegetable (our daughter particularly likes snow peas, uncooked).
If you have to eat out, I like Panera Bread if you have one - our daughter usually gets a turkey sandwich and organic yogurt there. Chick-Fil-A also has a really nice fruit cup (it's always really fresh at ours), although the chicken choices are all fried (and in peanut oil, if you have allergies!).
Category: Toddler & Preschooler
What other kinds of meat are good for feeding raw?
I dont feed raw all the time just sometimes. My dogs love beef. I gave them some while I was cooking my dinner and I put my dog Dakotas antibiotic pill in some.
Answer: All poultry (chicken, turkey, duck, pheasant, quail), rabbit, pork, beef, bison, buffalo, lamb, venison, ostrich, elk, llama, sheep, etc.
Anything works, really.
Umm. I don't know where Blondie is getting her info, but pork is completely fine to feed. In fact, my own dog just ate boneless pork for dinner today.
And the whole point of a RAW diet is to feed RAW meat, not CANNED meat.
Category: Dogs
Top 10 Reasons Not to Eat Turkeys | PETA.org
Learn the top 10 reasons turkeys are not ours to eat and check out some ... that would otherwise kill them poses even more risks for people who eat them.
Animal lovers who eat meat are hypocrits | CreateDebate
Also, some people don't have a choice about eating meat, like people in third ... If a person cannot get very much food, and thus must kill animals to feed himself and ... A Vegan that harms other humans are hypocrites i.e. poisoning turkeys to protest .... If you don't consider them an animal lover how can they be a hypocrite ?
Wild turkeys make a home in Sonoma County | Petaluma360
Add to that the fact that many people enjoy feeding the turkeys, though some may do so indirectly through feeders intended for songbirds. ... “And they just roam the neighborhood, go on everybody's grass, eat the bugs,” Dubkoff said. ... “Some people like them, and some people don't, It's a mixed bag,” said UC Berkeley environmental sciences Professor Reginald Barrett, whose studies on wild turkey diet provide the foundation for much of California's policy and ...
How do I get my new dog to eat dog food?
I just got him about two weeks ago, and he refuses to eat dog food because of his previous owners. They always fed him people food. How can I get him to start eating dog food?
Answer: Our puppy actually is not much of an eater and is very easily distracted. A friend, who is a breeder, suggested crating him during meals. He gets 20 minutes to eat in the morning, then I put the food up/away if he hasn't eaten. The same thing at night. Within a couple of days, he would eat the instant the food went in the crate, the entire contents of the bowl.
As for making the switch, I don't think he'll starve himself, so I'd just go cold turkey and go with whatever food you're switching him to. Remember though, diet changes and the new home may cause some tummy troubles- he may get the runs for a few days!
People food isn't necessarily a bad thing- it depends on the quality of the diet. Our food tends to be too seasoned and fatty for dogs, but some people do cook special meals for their dogs (in fact, it's very common for ill dogs to be ordered to eat boiled chicken and rice). And many many people choose to feed RAW diets, because they believe it's closer to the wild dog's natural diet. So the "people food" thing may not have been the worst thing ever, if they fed him a dog appropriate diet. If they were tossing him cheetos and hot dogs, that's a whole other story.
Category: Dogs
Living with wildlife: Turkey: Minnesota DNR
Instead, they can benefit farmers by eating insects and weed seeds. ... Some wild turkeys that reside in urban areas have become acclimated to ... Although well intentioned, people who release pen-reared turkeys are doing more harm than good. ... Property owners often regrettably feed the birds to encourage them to stay.
Turkeys: Some people eat them, some feed them. Posted on November 21, 2012 by admin. Turkeys: Main course or animal companion? Read more… Browse our latest news updates http://www.topstoriesdaily.com ...
How do you get a 6yr old to eat good food?
My 6yr old grandson will only eat hot dogs, p&j sandwichs chips cookies pep-pizza & most sweets but nothing else. If I try anything else he will barf at it. Now tell me what kid will not eat mac & cheese, not this one. Help!!!! Im at wits end.
Answer: I'm so sorry for you gramps because your son and daughter have spoiled this kid rotten- like in rotten teeth and on his way to obesity! The barfing is a control issue that he is using on YOU to give him what he wants--- play hardball--- he will NOT STARVE to death in one day so for one day, give him only the foods that you are eating- say cheerios with milk and banana for breakfast and juice- lunch can be a nice 1/2 grilled cheese sandwich with some cut up fresh fruit- supper should be giving him the sweet veggies- like corn on the cob- which is fun to eat, and maybe glazed carrots with mashed potatoes and some turkey or chicken nuggets- not the greatest but definitely a step up from what he's been living on--- make sure that you ALL EAT THE SAME FOOD--- the problem is giving them separate foods from the rest-- it gives them carte blanche to order whatever they want off the neverending guilt menu that their parents have given into over the last 6 years..... and top it off with some good old fashioned ice cream at the ice cream parlor if he does well all day- remember- there stomachs are small so 1/4 cup of cereal for breakfast is sufficienct, 1/4 of a 1/2 of grilled cheese is good, let the snacks be the fruits and supper could be the corn on the cob and even if he eats 2-3 tsp of mashed potatoes with the turkey and gravy will be fine---if he gets hungry before bed-- cereal and only cereal ......and if he doesn't eat for you--- he eats nothing--- that's right NOTHING--- he will not starve, but he will get the point, and by the way, he has no TV, computer and whatever else he is into during the day if he doesnt comply to the eating rules---it's food bootcamp and taking away their tv and toys is the best way to get them to at least try new foods- and god bless their parents- between working and all, they barely have a chance to throw a meal together so lets face it, most of the times it is easier for them to make a hot dog or get pizza to feed their children-- so it isn't all the child's fault but your childs as well.......good luck to you.... and no they won't hate you... and dont fall for that gimmick.....they will come around and make sure you let their parents know of your plans regarding the food change-- they may want to continue your quest when they get the child at home--- just like any therapy, it has to be followed through for more than once and one day.............good luck to you grandma/grandpa------dont give in-----and they will STILL LOVE YOU--- ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY ARE 15 AND 16 AND NOT FAT!!
Category: Grade-Schooler
What are some options to feed my 11 month old for breakfast and supper?
He has 4 teeth and does well with cheerios. I am giving him mashed bananas too. I dont want him to get tired of eating this all the time. He refuses to eat the rice cereal and oatmeal. Ive tried the regular oatmeal and cream of wheat and he just spits it out.
Answer: At 11 months old he can be eating almost any table foods that you eat except citrus fruits, nuts, peanut butter, and other easily chokable foods. Some ideas for breakfast are cereal, pancakes, english muffins, toast, bagel, waffles, eggs, along with fruits such as peaches, pears, applesauce, soft baked apples (or even softened in the microwave and then cooled), and other fruits. Some ideas for lunch are grilled cheese, spaghetti, macaroni and cheese, other pasta, rice and meat, sandwiches, soup, etc along with a vegetable or fruit and milk, cheese, or yogurt. For dinner she should have a balanced meal of meat such as chicken, beef, turkey, pork; a vegetable or fruit, and milk or formula. She can eat almost any veges such as sweet potatoes, carrots that are soft, peas mushed a little bit, green beans, and more. Be careful of whole corn kernals and peas that are not mushed though because they are choking hazards. I did not give baby food at this age anymore... just make sure that all foods are softened and cut up into very small pieces.
Category: Toddler & Preschooler
Why is it that some cats will only eat dry food and others will eat a combo of wet and dry?
my cat will only eat dry food, why please explain and share experiences?
Answer: Well, if kitty has a food preference it's more than likely influenced by what he/she was fed after being weaned from its mother's milk. If they were only fed dry food thereafter, then that would explain why the wet food is distasteful to them.
It's not healthy for a cat to eat only dry food. In the wild, cats eat small animals and so the majority of their diet should be wet food. I feed my kittens wet food three times a day and give them some kibble to munch on as they get hungry during the night or leave it with them when I go out.Dry food also means that cats get less water, (wet foods naturally contain water), which can cause major health problems for them since cats also have little thirst drive (ie they're not used to having to seek out and drink water by itself). So that's why it's very important you switch your cats to a predominantly wet food diet.
I suggest that you mix in tiny bits of boiled chicken into their dry food. Don't leave it out for too long. Mix very very tiny pieces, literally squish it between your fingers and make it so fine that they can't eat around the chicken. then slowly increase the chicken over a period of two weeks....until they will eat the chicken by itself. From there, continue the same process but add premium beef mince, or turkey mince (all raw minces). then you can also slowly wean them onto different commercial wet cat foods one by one (over two weeks each). I really recommend you do this because it will be very beneficial to your kitty and once he/she gets used to it you'll see how quick they devour it up!
My second kitten, Pyjamas, refused to eat chicken at first but I made it so that he had no chpice (he couldn't pick around it) and now he eats it by itself sometimes no fuss.
Good luck!
Category: Cats
Tips for Finicky Eaters on Thanksgiving? | Apartment Therapy
Have them eat them on their finger, for some reason it's funny. We always looked forward to it every year and that ... I always thought that turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy are some of the most kid-friendly foods out there. My brother was a picky eater as a kid and ... Turkey/mash and gravy are esoteric? What do you normally feed them? .... I'm surprised how many people haven't heard of sweet potatoes with marshmallows, too! I personally don't like them but I've ...
When feeding raw chicken is the blood from the chicken harmful to my dog?
I am planning on switching my pit bull from kibble to a raw diet like raw chicken thighs, necks, backs and things of that sort but i dont know if there is a certain way to feed it or just put the raw chicken in her plate just like that including the blood from the chicken? Also is it safe to feed them raw foods from supermarkets or is there a better way?
Answer: There's a couple different myths this could fall under so I'll just post the entire list. http://www.rawfed.com/myths/index.html But the short answer is, its fine.
Most of my dogs foods come from the supermarket. I stay away from meats with added solutions and broths as much as possible. These are often referred to as enhanced meats and have a very high salt content. Some dogs can handle it some can't.
Start out with chicken for a couple weeks, and then slowly add in variety, your dog needs plenty variety to balance the diet over time. My own two get chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, pork and venison.
Where to feed is really up to you, although its unlikely the dog will keep the food in a bowl or on a plate. I feed my dogs in their crates. You can also feed outside, or teach the dog to eat on a towel or mat. To do that put the food on the mat, everytime your dog tries to leave the mat put the food back on it. Your dog will learn that food needs to stay on the mat.
As always practice safe meat handling practices.
Dogs digestive systems are setup and fully capable of digesting raw meat, bone and organ. They are also able to handle higher bacteria loads than we can. How many dogs do you know that eat garbage or poo with no ill effects?
Dogs with sensitive stomachs aren't born, they are made. We make them that way by feeding foods that aren't species appropriate, and only feeding one kind of food. Think of it this way, if you ate nothing but corn your whole life and then one day decided to eat a steak. What do you think would happen? Your body would go Woah!? What the **** is that!!!! and it would react to it with digestive upset. Same thing with dogs.
Sasha, kibble also contains salmonella, even kibble fed dogs poo contains salmonella. Unless you're out there eating poo or not washing your hands after clean up you've got nothing to worry about.
Category: Dogs
The Associated PressTurkeys: Some people eat them, some feed themThe Associated PressOK, so it isn't even close. According to the industry group National Turkey Federation, more than 46 million of the big birds will be ...
Can Chickens and Turkeys eat the same feed?
I have mainly chickens and Im hatching 10 chickens and 2 turkeys. Do you think theyll be fine if the turkeys eat chicken feed? Thank you!
Answer: Yes they can. But DO NOT KEEP THEM IN THE SAME PEN. try to keep them at least 50 feet away from each other. the chickens poop will actually cause the turkeys to develop a mild case of Blackhead i think is what its called
Category: Birds
How to Raise Turkeys
From feeding and watering to how to range them, you'll find out everything you ... although some people like to keep a tom (a mature male turkey) around as a pet. ... Broad-breasted Whites are the "modern" eating turkey, similar to the ones ...
Turkeys: Some people eat them, some feed them. Print Friendly Print Get a PDF version of this webpage PDF · In this Wednesday, November 14, 2012 photo provided by Karen Dawn, a pet Turkeys: Main course or animal ...
What is a good method or recipe for cooking a fresh wild turkey?
We have a large abundance of wild turkeys on our back property. We let a couple hunt and this morning she shot a big tom turkey. As a thank you to us for letting them hunt on our land, he brought me the turkey this afternoon. He took the feathers off and it is skinned. I have only cooked a frozen store bought turkey once and have no clue as to the best way to cook this. Is there anyone who is a sportsman or has had experience cooking wild turkey? Any helpful hints or recipes would be appreciated. This is a serious question, please no propaganda from anti-hunters. Thanks.
Answer: I have eaten a lot of very well cooked wild/ Organic Turkey and I have found this method the best. Cook the bird - 16lbs in weight (I suggest this as you have not given the weight - this will feed 12 to 14 people. (You divide or multiply to suit your bird) Stuff the bird with fruit, I love to use apricots, and herbs, Rosemary or Thyme. Heat the oven to approx 120 degrees and cook for 2 hours. During this time keep the bird wrapped up with foil. The fruit and bird juice will keep the bird steaming whilst cooking, therefore retain moisture - this is very important - after a further 1.5 hours take the bird out and base it with the juice in the tray. (you should cook it in a deep tray) Now put the bird back in to the oven with the foil still wrapped around it - turn the oven up to 160 and cook for another 1.5 hours. Test the bird by plunging a knife into the body from the top down. You now have to make a decision as to the cooking of the bird. If the juices are very bloody then cover up and cook for another hour at 160 if its mixed cook for 20 mins. Take out and test again. Once the meat is nearly cooked - the juice must be pretty clear- take the foil off and turn the heat up to 220. It should take another hour or so for the skin to crisp up and the meat to cook through. You must keep basting the meat with the juice every 30 mins or so.
Keep the juice of the Turkey in the tray and scope the fruit out into it - put on the stove and reduce down, adding white wine as you go.
Category: Cooking & Recipes
What is the best food to feed a staffordshire bull terrier that has allergies?
We have a 1.5 years old stuffy named Ellie. Sometimes she will get hot spots, will scratch herself and lick her paws. We were told by a vet that she has a food allergies but not sure what food she is allergic to. She used to eat Flint River Ranch dry food that has no by-products or any other garbage. We switched her to Natures Variety dry food that also is an excellent dog food. Ellie still gets hot spots. Any suggestions? Thank you
Answer: Common food allergens include chicken by-products, wheat, soy and corn.
Some dogs also have senstivities to chicken since you find chicken in almost everything from treats to kibble.
You might want to try the Nutro Grain Free because it is a limited ingredient diet. As a limited ingredient diet, it has a single novel protein and a single source of carbohydrate. A novel protein is one that the dog has not had a lot of exposure to and is thus less likely to have developed an allergy to it, such as venison or turkey. A single carbohydrate source in potato eliminates the many possibilities of food allergies that might be caused by having many different types of carbs present.
For a dog with allergies, avoid foods with lots of different protein types as digesting different proteins can be hard on sensitive dogs. Many proteins also makes it harder to narrow down the offending allergen.
A final tip, looking for foods with high levels of omega 3 & 6 will help with the hot spots on your dog as they help maintain a healthy skin and coat. Natural Choice has the highest levels of these fatty acids and thus they guarantee an improvement in skin and coat :)
Good Luck!
Pet Nutrition Specialist
Category: Dogs
Celebrity Vegetarians: 50 Stars Who Won't Be Eating A Turkey Feast ...
... Ellen DeGeneres has been vegan since 2008. She launched her new website in 2011 to help people who want to stop eating meat and animal products: <a href="http://vegan.ellen.warnerbros.com/" target="_hplink">Going Vegan with Ellen</a>. ..... I was eating lunch on the Married With Children set, and they served me some kind of meat (I don't even know the names of them all anymore because it's been so long). I looked down and there was blood on my plate, ...
Turkeys: Some people eat them. Some people feed them. « alliance ...
By SUE MANNING, Associated Press. LOS ANGELES (AP) — Turkeys: Main course or animal companion? OK, so it isn't even close. According to the industry group National Turkey Federation, more than 46 million of the big ...
Is 6 weeks to young to give my kitten hairball meds?
I have a 6 week old Bangel kitten who has recently started vomiting after she eats. We feed her soft cat food . She sounds like she has indegestion then vomits, cries then falls asleep . Anything to worry about??
Answer: Sounds like a food problem and not a hairball problem. Please don't give you any "medication" for that.
You need to suspect the canned food you are giving her. The Whiskas, Friskies, etc that are widely used are very bad foods - they have by-product meat which is treated with chemicals, artificial flavors and colorings, etc.
Find some Wellness canned food and give the kitten the varieties that are "pure" meat - chicken and turkey. Stay away from anything with fish in it for now.
If you have a market where you can get organic chicken or turkey try a little ground meat with her. You will have to learn what supplements are needed to put in it for calcium and fiber and at least try a little with her, along with the canned Wellness, to see how she does on that.
You can join the Yahoo group WholeCatHealth for find how to do the raw meat properly. You just go to http://www.yahoogroups.com and put in a search for that group and join the membership.
Category: Cats
My dogs will not eat dog food, what can I give them for vitamins?
Both of my dogs ate dog food until we had to evacuate for Hurricane Katrina. They stopped eating, so I began feeding them Turkey Dogs and Chicken. I know it is wrong, but they were stressed out. I tried several times going back to the dog food and not feeding them anything for a few days, but they will not eat it. I have come to the conclusion they will never eat it again. So, does anyone have a suggestion on a vitamin or something that has some nutritional value that I can put them on? Anything would be helpful.
Answer: I suggest you start cooking proper meals for them instead of feeding them turkey dogs and chicken.
A good balance meal for a dog would be brown rice or healthy rice and choice of meat. I prefer using fish. Boil or steam the fish. Boil the rice. Instant meal.
Also a good supplement will be Troy's Nutripet. I give it to my babies when their appetite is not so good. after 1-2 days they are back to normal.
Hope the info helps.
Category: Dogs
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Turkeys: Main course or animal companion?... AP Top Headlines At 8:40 a.m. EST.
Thanksliving: Feeding Turkeys Instead of Eating Them. ~ John
Nov 11, 2012 ... Some people within the sanctuary community have taken to calling this ... %2F Thanksliving%3A+Feeding+Turkeys+Instead+of+Eating+Them.
Do turkeys eat sunflower seeds or bird seed?
I have a flock of turkeys that hang out around my house and I am interested in feeding them. I know turkeys will gobble up corn in a heart beat but that gets expensive and I know there is better stuff out there for them. Do turkeys eat sunflower seeds? How about Bird Seed? Please only serious answers! THanks for your time!
Answer: Corn is the cheapest feed you can buy. Though I wouldn't recommend feeding a wild flock. There are many reasons why That I won't go into at this point. If you want to help your local wildlife i recommend planting winter wheat in the fall. It grows like crazy, winters well and then produces during the spring bringing a plethora of birds and turkeys love it. It is high in protein at a time when turkeys need it the most. Wild turkeys need to free range, their diet is diverse corn is great as a winter feed because it is high energy but in summer contains to much fat. Sunflower seeds are 3 times as expensive and wheat is available mainly in late summer and winter. Oats is okay as well. But having a flock become dependent on a humans intervention is a risky game. Enjoy them when they come around but you shouldn't encourage them with food.
Category: Birds
RT @MyFOX9: Turkeys: Some people eat ‘em, some people feed ‘em http://t.co/1IrX3q7B From: FOX9MorningNews - Source: web
Turkeys: Some people eat ‘em, some people feed ‘em http://t.co/1IrX3q7B From: MyFOX9 - Source: TweetDeck
Turkeys: Some people eat them, some feed them: Turkeys: Main course or animal companion? http://t.co/EhMkxGpP From: okc_news - Source: dlvr.it
Turkeys: Some people eat them, some feed them http://t.co/Tz3ogom8 #news From: BuzzNewz - Source: dlvr.it
Latest News - Turkeys: Some people eat them, some feed them... #news http://t.co/ZuTmphxR From: breaking_news__ - Source: Breaking News The Latest News
Turkeys: Some people eat them, some feed them - KFVS http://t.co/TzH0PyGg From: Weatherreport7 - Source: dlvr.it
Turkeys: Some people eat them, some feed them http://t.co/64njK5w9 From: LuzieNews - Source: Mobile Web
Turkeys: Some people eat them, some feed them http://t.co/ItlsGUOW #WCBD #News2 From: WCBD - Source: web
Turkeys: Some people eat them, some feed them - Seattle Post Intelligencer - http://t.co/VEn3SoiY From: ctrltower - Source: Nextgen Reader
Turkeys: Some people eat them, some feed them - The Associated Press http://t.co/qgxQCsIV From: yungchizy7 - Source: dlvr.it
Turkeys: Some people eat them, some feed them - The Associated Press http://t.co/WdOlDHSb From: yungchizy7 - Source: dlvr.it
Turkeys: Some people eat them, some feed them Seattle Post Intelligencer LOS ANGELES (AP… http://t.co/A4KOYJJK From: pixeldome - Source: Google
Turkeys: Some people eat them, some feed them - The Associated Press http://t.co/LzCWvFrD From: SesmaCreatvt - Source: dlvr.it
Turkeys: Some people eat them, some feed them - The Associated Press http://t.co/9BuO44Pl From: SirrLeo - Source: dlvr.it
#AseDeyHOT Turkeys: Some people eat them, some feed them - The Associated Press http://t.co/6M0EGfYh From: tosinemmanuel3 - Source: dlvr.it