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10 THINGS TO KNOW FOR MONDAY | syracuse.com
Sep 17, 2012 ... Your daily look at the stories that will be talked about today.
Sep 17, 2012 ... Afghan police stand by burning tires during a protest , Monday, Sept. 17, 2012 in Kabul, Afghanistan. Hundreds of Afghans burned cars and ...
Working two part time jobs?
So I now have a job at a restaurant, but another store called me in for an interview, and now they want me to attend orientation Monday at 1 pm. I havent really been getting along with my restaurant manager, he only gives me like 4 hour shifts and not everyday, and he says the other new girl (even though shes been there a week or two longer than i have) is doing much better. I thought it was kinda rude of him to say that. Hes kind of a douchebag, and wants me to do like 10 things at once- Im doing everything as fast as I can, I dont know why he hates me so much. Anyway, so I have to go to an orientation for the store Monday at 1 pm, but I dont know if I work at the restaurant monday, since the manager didnt have the schedule ready, he said hell call me next week to tell me when I work, so if he calls me Monday saying I need to work in the morning, what should I do? I usually dont get off til 2 or later, and even though I dont like the manager, I dont wanna quit or get fired because the pay is better at the restaurant than at the store. But I still need the other job because both jobs are only offering me part time. I told the manager at the store I could only work from 3 pm to 9 pm everyday, that way I can work at the restaurant 10 am to 2 pm, but I still need to attend orientation. What should I do?
Answer: If the manager calls you on Monday to work on Monday, repeat after me: I'm sorry, I can't make it to work today, I already have plans that I will not cancel. (Tell him it's a dr's appointment or something if he asks.) Or you can offer to work, but let him know that you'll have to leave by noon for an appointment.
Pray that he understands and doesn't fire you for failure to show up. It sounds like that wouldn't be the end of the world, though...
Good luck!
Category: Other - Careers & Employment
pool running with sciatica? 10 points best answer!!!!?
I was diagnosed with having sciatica on monday, after getting shooting pains down my left leg during a run. the doctor said that it was caused by a slightly slipped disc, and put me on ibrprofen. the pain feels much better now, and i am desperate to start excersising! i am seeing a phisio on monday, but i dont want to be missing out on excersise that i could be doing. i know that front crawl swimming is not good with this condition but what about backstroke? also can i pool run as this is no impact? i have done no excersise for 8 days, so is that enough rest?
also i went to the phisio a few months ago with recurrent hamstirng pains, and he said it was weak transverse abs that were causing the nerves in my hamstrings to cause the pain, and he gave me some excersises. i then recently went to the phisio again about calf pains at the end of my runs, and she said that it was my nerves not gliding smoothly so she gave me some excersises for it. im adding this extra info in case it could be realated to some nerve thing!
sciatica is a name for the symptoms, bot the causes, different cause effect the symptoms.
sciatica is a name for the symptoms, not the causes, different cause effect the symptoms.
Answer: I'd suffer another week of no running if you can until you see the physio. You could swim - perhaps the breast stroke if you are worried about front crawl, or cycle instead. Both are good exercises and low impact on your joints. I'd also keep doing the exercises the physio gave you and perhaps they will give you some more for the back as well.
Yoga might do you some good - one session a week - it is good for your posture, flexibility and core strength so that might help.
I would find another exercise to do this week, keep with the exercises and look to strengthen your core with say, yoga.
Category: Running
How do I stay in shape during a 10 day holiday with absolutely no equipment?fast pleeeease!
Im going on a 10 day holiday away from home. Over the past 2 months I have managed to get really fit with loads of muscles and lose weight. Im scared though that during this holiday all will be lost. Any suggestions on how i can exercise to stay in shape and how often? what types of exercises? I DO eat healthy but I dont know whether maintaining my healthy eating habits will also allow my muscles to stay put. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Can anyone also like give me for example this thing: Monday to Wednesday: crunches x100 etc. with any other exercises. Thanks...
Category: Diet & Fitness
Am I over thinking things? 10 pts for best answer!?
I have been dating a guy for about 2 1/2 months. We usually spend 2 days a week together. We had a fight on Monday but it seemed like we were ok on Tuesday. Normally we get together on Wednesdays but he said he had a birthday party in the evening on Wednesday, so I moved some things around and we got together on Tuesday evening instead. We had dinner and joked around like we normally do. We played this card game out by the pool. I get very competitive and was getting mad that he was beating me. After the game was done I got over the fact he beat me pretty quick. He also likes to tease me and he said something that made me ask if he even liked me. He said he did and that if he didnt, he wouldnt be wasting his time or mine. I said ok and we continued on with our evening. When I left, we left on a good note, well I think so anyways, with a kiss and a hug. We had been talking about getting together on Friday but I wasnt sure cause I had tentative plans with other people. I talked to those people and got some stuff moved around so the guy and I could hang out. He sent me a picture message yesterday message and I answered it. I texted him later in the day that I had got my plans moved so we could hang out on Friday. He never answered. I didnt hear from him all day and finally before I went to bed, I called him to say good night and just ended up leaving a message. Mind you, we normally talk multiple times a day. I know that he was suppose to be hanging with his sister and had that party in the evening. Should I be concerned that he never answered me yesterday? Am I just over thinking things? Thanks for the help!
Answer: You probably are over thinking it. Maybe text him again like a day before Friday and jokingly say "Do you still want to hang out tmrw?! :D" so he'll know that you're looking forward to it. But just for the record, don't ALWAYS change plans JUST for him, have fun with your friends too :)
Category: Singles & Dating
A Step Back
As a boy, Ray Mancini would pore over his fathers scrapbook, a collection of brittle-brown newspaper clippings and sepia-toned glossies, inevitably pausing to study the photograph of his father as a young fighter, his features bloodied and swollen, the right eye clenched shut like the seam of a mussel shell. I didnt win em all, Lenny Mancini - Mark Kriegel is the author of The Good Son, from which this article is adapted. It will be published by Free Press on Tuesday. - By MARK KRIEGEL
Should I cheat (Only answer if you have been in a relationship at least 8-10 years)?
My wife and I have been together for 18yrs, (married for 10)and things have been progressively going down hill relationship wise. In the time we have been together we have had one child and our careers have grown, adding a lot more responsibilities to our lives. The problem we are having concerns sex, or the lack there of.
I have a high sex drive and feel very comfortable expressing myself sexually. My wife was the same way in the first five years of our relationship, now it seems as the sex has come to a screeching halt. We used to have sex 4-5 times a week which was great. In the 6-7th yr, it slipped to 2-3 times a week, now Im lucky we have it once a month. There have been times where 3 months have gone by with no sex. We have talked about it millions of times and its always the same thing, "she is stressed from work, exhausted etc. I could understand so I started helping her on several job related things such as book keeping, payroll, marketing, etc, in addition to taking over 100% (up from my already 70%) of the household duties and 98% of the childcare (up from my already 80%) to relieve the stress. Keep in mind, I already have a very demanding full time job corporate job myself. All of this has not changed a thing. The only difference now is that she has more time to lay on the couch and watch TV and talk to friends/family on the phone. I’m extremely frustrated because I’m forced to have to basically beg for sex on Saturdays because Fridays she is really tired from work and Sunday nights we have to go to bed early so we can both be out the door by 5AM Monday. Saturdays have now become a bust because she keeps saying later , later, until it’s finally so late, she has already fallen asleep.
My schedule is just as busy as hers and so is my stress level but I’m willing to make time to have sex, where it’s 3rd priority to her. I really can’t take it anymore, I’ve been really considering to have a relationship outside of my marriage. I know it’s wrong but I can’t live like this any longer, it’s driving me crazy. It is a real turn off when you have to beg for sex, knowing the other person is only doing it because you asked them 2-3 times.
Answer: And wives wonder why their husbands cheat! Most would like to pass judgment and rationalize right and wrong. They want to tell you not to do this or that you'll be a loser. Easy for them to say. This isn't about them, nor is this about what might be fair according to self-righteous chronics here. You've done everything you know how to get her back on the team, yet she won't get her head in the game and you remain unfulfilled. Your wife continually demonstrates a basic lack of caring and selfishness. Since she really doesn't care, so then why should you? She takes you for granted. She can't expect you to live like a dog and beg for sex every 3 months forever. It's BS and she knows it. Life is nothing if we can't enjoy the basics. We are human, driven by nature. The primal need is there and societies rules are contrary and arbitrary. I say, life is short. Enjoy the gifts life has to offer. Find happiness without throwing the rest of your life out the window. Everyone else can judge for themselves. If your wife ever decides to wake up, then maybe you'll be willing to talk. Until then, she can talk to friends and family while she sits on the couch. Let your own private party begin!
Category: Marriage & Divorce
What are some things the children and I can do during babysitting?
I just started babysitting a girl (6) and a boy (10) this Monday. I found them on the internet so I know nothing about them and they know nothing about me. I work from 8:00 to 3:00 and am bored all the time. Theres 1 tv and no computer access so basically there is nothing to do. I play with the girl ALL the time...Fairys, Hide & Seek, board games, coloring, legos, paint, tag.. but Im there for 7 hours. Im pretty sure the kids are okay, but Im dying of boredom!! What can we do that will keep us both interested? and the boy plays video games the entire day, and I want him to do something else.
Do you think I can suggest to the mom letting me bring them out somewhere? maybe bowling or to the movies or the park? or even to my house to go swimming?
thanks so much!
Answer: Maybe you can take them to the Library and get some movies there free in our town at the Library or ask there mom to take them the night before and they can pick out some movies that all of you can watch together.How about DVD games that you can all play.How about uno the new one that spits the cards out at you.There are all kinds of crafts I am sure the kids would like at wal-mart in the Craft isle ask there mom to pick some stuff up so you could all do it.Good Luck
Category: Other - Pregnancy & Parenting
ON PRO FOOTBALL; N.F.L. Commissioner Goodell Caught Between Bad Calls and Owners
When Roger Goodell became the commissioner of the National Football League in 2006, he made protecting certain aspects of the sport’s good name his consuming aim. He was concerned with the fan experience at stadiums as well as the behavior of players in bars. Goodell wanted a league populated by upstanding citizens who provided captivating - By JUDY BATTISTA
10 points. things to talk about?
Every monday and friday me and this guy from my class have to go to the office to give the lunch orders to the canteen cook, and on the way to the office or the canteen we have to walk for about 2 or 3 minutes one way there and I never know what to say so we just walk silently and it is sooooo akward!!! Please help me, how should I start the convo??
Answer: I'd pry start out with so what did you do last night or on the weekend & go from there. Talk about the wether; I know lame but you could say it's such a nice day or or beautiful out. idk it's something other than quiet. If you do start the convo & he gives like one word answers he could be shy & I don't know how much you'd want to push it that could be even more awkard. You could say oh did you see that one movie & name one see how that goes. Or have you seen any good movies lately cause appartently i'm not picking the right ones lol. If you have an interest in something talk about that. or if you know what interests him ask him about it. Talk about the politics if you'd like.
When I worked at H&R Block as their receptionist I'd always start the convo with the wether when they were waiting cause it led to other things unless they were my friends haha. But it worked for me.
sorry if this isn't much help lol. good luck! :]
Category: Singles & Dating
I have an extended layover in London. What are the Top 10 things I should do?!?
Ill be able to check into a hotel late Friday night and will leave early Monday morning. But Ill have Saturday and Sunday to enjoy London. Im not much into nightlife, but enjoy good food, theatre shopping and history. For those of you that have been there or live there, what are the must-see things? Are there any lesser-known / less obvious things that would be great to see? Thanks!
Answer: Here are some possibilities for your "must-sees"...
The Tower of London, for the Crown Jewels and a thousand years of history.
The V&A (Victoria and Albert Museum) if you love costume, furniture and design in all its finery.
Parliament Square (the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Bridge, Westminster Abbey, all within yards of one another; plus the London Eye sightseeing ferris wheel just over Westminster Bridge.
Trafalgar Square -- Nelson, the lion statues and the fountains, plus the lovely stroll through Admiralty Arch and down the Mall to Buckingham Palace.
Now for the 'lesser-known/ 'less obvious' things. =D
You love theatre and history... here's a marvellous combination of both: a backstage tour of one of London's oldest theatres, the Theatre Royal Drury Lane. http://www.londontheatre.co.uk/londontheatre/tourswalks/drurylane.htm
Plus, of course, you should try to get to see a show.
We're promised fine weather for the next few days, so why not try to get to an open-air performance? Shakespeare's Globe or the Open Air Theatre in Regent's Park are both magical (you may have to go through a ticket agency as there probably aren't many seats left.)
You have to do a bit of shopping if you're in London. Everyone tells visitors to head for Harrods. Instead, I'm recommending Fortnum and Mason's on Piccadilly http://www.fortnumandmason.com/The-Store/Location.aspx (the royal family's favourite grocer =D) Lots of wonderful foodie gifts to take home, plus the option of a meal or English tea at its restaurant, St James's ( http://www.fortnumandmason.com/Our-Restaurants/St-James-Restaurant.aspx ).
Another gorgeous store is Liberty's, just off Regent Street. http://www.liberty.co.uk/fcp/content/find_us/content
It's an amazing rabbit-warren of a department store: it was built in the 19th century in the Tudor Revival style: masses of carved panelling and painted wood.
Its specialty is fabrics of every kind. It also does great soaps, stationery and other lovely gifts.
Back on the eating idea -- there are hundreds of great restaurants in town, from Michelin-starred places to little neighbourhood favourites. Here's one of the latter (a personal favourite), over on the western side of central London, but is one of my favourites and always popular with Londoners. It's called The Gate and it's near Hammersmith tube, on Queen Caroline Street (map here: http://www.multimap.com/maps/?qs=W6+9QL&countryCode=GB )
It's a vegetarian restaurant but so good that carnivores are very happy there too. It's a lovely setting, in an upstairs room that was once a church. More info here, including reviews and details of their delicious menus: http://www.thegate.tv/
Markets: if you only visit one, I'd suggest Portobello Road (at weekends, the market spills way beyond that street) -- sells everything from antiques to fashion students' designer clothing. Tuck your purse well away from pickpockets, because you'll get completely distracted by everything there is to see.
Pubs: a true London original: the Lamb and Flag on the corner of Rose Street and Bedford Street in Covent Garden. It's one of London's oldest pubs (about 300 years old). If you go on a weekday, arrive on the early side of lunchtime (before noon if you can) and head upstairs for a "ploughman's lunch" (bread, cheese, pickles, side-salad) up in the Dryden Room. The early arrival is necessary because the Lamb & Flag is always popular.
More here: http://www.pubs.com/pub_details.cfm?ID=204
Finally, something that I couldn't get over for weeks the first time I visited. 18 Folgate Street, in Spitalfields. This is Dennis Severs' home. He has exactly recreated Georgian life in the 18th century -- furniture, candles, a wig on the back of a chair and an unfinished meal... It's not a museum; it's more a work of art that happens to be a house interior. Totally amazing; a visit is unforgettable. More here: http://www.dennissevershouse.co.uk
I hope you have a fantastic time here: love from a Londoner born and bred.
Category: London
10 Things to Know for Tuesday - 8 News NOW
Share; |; |. Print. 10 Things to Know for Tuesday. Posted: Monday, September 24, 2012 9:08 PM EST. Updated: Monday, September 24, 2012 9:08 PM EST. National NewsMore>> · Thousands march in Paris against austerity · Thousands ...
CHICAGO TEACHERS ON STRIKE FOR FIRST TIME IN 25 YEARS Contract talks with the school district fail over issues including compensation, health benefits and teacher evaluations. 2. FEDS END COSTLY PROGRAM IN ...
I have to make a poem out of 10 of these 20 things; I cant choose which ones. Please help!?
I have to make a poem out of "Ten Things I Find Awesome". We had to make a list of 20 at first but now she wants us to narrow it down to ten. Which ones do you think would sound great in a poem?
1. Running - I lvoe going running (especially early in the morning) because it gives me a chance to contemplate things on my mind, and I can relax and think about nothing but jogging. Long runs give me a sense of accomplishment; also, I think its the closes thing I have to flying!
2. Meeting Goals - I enjoy making progress towards goals Ive set for myself,; my confidnce soars aftr witnessing ideas evolve into action.
3. New books - Although Im not an extremely avid reader, I love shopping for the books I like, and collecting them. At bookstores, I stand in front of bookshelves and pick up books at random and read random lines from them.
4. No school - I love waking up on a Monday morning and remembering that its a holiday.
5. Sleep - I love sleeping--especially for more than ten hours and waking up naturally and on time.
6. Waking up from a bad dream, and realizing that it was just a dream.
7. Frinds - frinds are people you can talk to anout anything and everything, without feeling embarrassed.
8. Compliments - many people will try to flattr you, but its a great feeling oonce you realize that someone meant the complimnt they just gave you.
9. Giving presents - surprising other poeple with presents, and making them smile
10. Cleaning my room - cleaning my room is nevr fun, but the feeling of satisfaction and achievement you get from looking at the end result is great.
11. Random acts of kindness - eg. smiling at people, giving change etc.
12. Chocolate - Apparently, chocolate contains an ingredient that maks serotonin, which is a mood/feelings regulator (so it maksyou happy and energetic!)
13. I love getting perfect on a test that I didnt study for.
14. Doing nothing - I love being ok with not being productive, I usualyl dont use my time wisely.
15. Naps - I love taking long naps, especially when I know I have nothing important to do that day.
16. I love eopening the blinds at night, to a clear sky and having the moonlight shine down on my as Im sleeping (so relaxing).
17. I love staying up late at night, listeing to music and chatting with my friends.
18. Old horror movies - Ive always enjoyed watching old scary movies lik "The Blob"; the lack of technology in the 80s make the movie all the more entertaining/humorous.
19. Baking - Baking always makes me feel happy, especially when other people try your recipe and njoy it.
20. Talking to my sister - I share basically everything with my older sister--almost every single detail in my life with her... shes like my diary I spill my life to!
Im not asking you to write the poem for me, just list the things that would sound good in a poem.
Also, what are some ideas for an opening and closing line? Thanks for any help in advance!!
If it helps at all, Im in grade 10
Answer: 20,18,17,7,6 4,2,3,13,18
Category: Poetry
10 THINGS TO KNOW FOR MONDAY | timesfreepress.com
This Feb. 23, 2012 file photo shows actress Jennifer Aniston after a ceremony to award her a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles. Aniston is ready to marry again. The actress is engaged to screenwriter and ...
10 THINGS TO KNOW FOR MONDAY | timesfreepress.com
Actor Damien Lewis, winner of the Outstanding Lead Actor In A Drama Series award for "Homeland," poses backstage at the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards at the Nokia Theatre on Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, in Los Angeles.
On the Road, A Poet of Lost And Found
NEW HAVEN -- Davy Rothbart had misplaced his usual hype music, so Rage Against the Machine would have to do. Mr. Rothbart, a writer and a creator of Found magazine, the repository for forgotten notes and photos, normally listened to Metallicas One to get himself pumped for a show. But on Monday evening he popped a CD with Bombtrack into - Author Davy Rothbart, who publishes found notes and photos in his magazine Found, is on a 75-city tour for his memoir My Heart Is an Idiot. Photos (M) - By MELENA RYZIK
Im having BIG issues with my friends and myself, what should I do?
I told my mom how I feel, how Im not sure if Im crazy or not, how I keep seeing myself as ugly and stupid, how I feel alone. She said its just because Im homesick.
Ive been feeling alone and depressed since Christmas break. But things got worse on Monday.
I was kidding with my friend and was like "your such a b*tch." She was like, thats mean. I know it was. I thought she would take it as a joke, but she didnt. I apologized several times, even texted her a list of 10 things I love about her (as a friend). She texted back "thanks, " and hasnt even tempted to talk to me since then. I asked her if she wanted to get dinner, and texted back once "Sorry, I already got dinner."
My other friend who lives in the same dorm my other friend texted me on Tuesday, "Are you okay? I care about you." I feel like she keeps treating me like Im crazy or something, all it does is making me mad that she asks, "Are you okay, " "Are you okay, " "Are you okay?" EVERY time I see her. Im grateful that she cares about me, but for real- Im not like this ALL the time, if anything, it just makes me want to return to be lonely and depressed, - because being asked if Im okay makes me feel like there is something wrong with me!
I texted her how Ive been like this and she never responded back. When I brought up the issue of what I called my other friend, she texted back "Shes not mad at you- she said so herself."
Well, I want to hear it from the girl I called a "b*tch, " not her.
Well, in summary- this week has just sucked. I feel like the people who were/ are my friends dont even acknowledge I exist or care. They havent invited me over for anything like before, and I feel like Ive been replaced by the first girls roommate who keeps posting pictures of her and the other two on facebook.
Im sorry if this is complicated, but it is.
Am I crazy? What should I do?
Answer: If she don't forgive u than u should let her go shell come running back later trust me .Plz vote me as best :). :)
Category: Friends
The Listings
Dance Full reviews of recent dance performances: nytimes.com/dance . Ephrat Asherie (Friday, Saturday and Thursday, through Sept. 29) Though probably best known in break-dancing circles, the fiercely talented Ms. Asherie (also known as Bounce) moves deftly between the dance worlds underground and mainstream realms, from performing with the
10 THINGS TO KNOW FOR MONDAY | Nation & World | The Seattle Times
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about Monday: 1. SCHOOL'S STILL OUT IN CHICAGO. Parents scramble to find daycare as the teachers' strike enters its second week; ...
6 days ago ... Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about Monday ...
6 days ago ... Actress Claire Danes, winner of the Emmy for outstanding lead actress in a drama series for "Homeland," left, and actor Damien Lewis, winner ...
Mom and Pop Stores, the Brooklyn Generation
GILLETTE AND ZAK WING vividly remember the day in 2009 when they were walking down Atlantic Avenue on the cusp of Brooklyn Heights, peering into an abandoned store front and casually fantasizing about opening an antiques business. A local real estate agent was walking by and noticed the couple. “He basically said, ‘You want it? - By CANDICE RAINEY
Why is my boss so mean to me?
I just started working at a restaurant about a week ago, but the manager that hired me went to go work at a restaurant in another city, so now they promoted someone else to manager. I just feel that he hates me and I dont know why. When Im doing something, like cleaning tables, hell tell me to finish doing something else, and then when Im doing that, hell say not right now, do this other thing. And he wants me to do them really fast. Its like he wants me to do 10 things at once, and he gets mad if I screw up on something. WTF Im new here, I dont know everything! Ive worked at other restaurants, and the managers have never been this bad. Also, he told me my coworker is doing much better than me (even though shes been there for a week or two longer than I have). And hes not giving me enough hours- only like 3 days a week from 10-2. Im thinking about getting another job in the afternoon, I have an orientation for a job at a store on Monday at 1 pm, but since my restaurant manager didnt make the schedule, he said hell call me next week to tell me my hours, so I dont know if I work Monday, and if I tell him I cant work that day, will he fire me? Both are only part time jobs, so I need both jobs.
Answer: I understand how you feel...I'm going through something somewhat similar at a new job I have right now. I'd say you let the manager know that you can't work on Monday before he calls you so that that way, he can try to not schedule you.
Category: Other - Careers & Employment
Spare Times for Sept. 28-Oct. 4
Around Town Museums and Sites ‘In Pursuit of a Vision’ (Wednesday through Nov. 17) For two centuries, the American Antiquarian Society in Worcester, Mass., has been collecting early Americana, imprints and manuscripts. A selection of items from its library will be on display at the Grolier Club, including a copy of a book printed - By ANNE MANCUSO
Coalition Sharply Reduces Joint Operations With Afghan Troops
KABUL, Afghanistan -- In a significant blow to a core element of the Western exit strategy from Afghanistan, the American-led military coalition said Tuesday it has temporarily curtailed joint operations with the Afghan Army and police forces. The new limits were a sign of how American priorities were being drastically reordered amid a wave of - American-led military coalition says it has temporarily curtailed joint operations with the Afghan Army and police forces due to a spike in attacks on international troops; new limits, which come as a blow to a core element of the Western exit strategy from Afghanistan, are a sign of how American priorities are being reordered amid a wave of protests and anti-American sentiment. Photo (M) - By MATTHEW ROSENBERG; Reporting was contributed by Alissa J. Rubin, Habib Zahori, Sangar Rahimi and Rod Nordland from Kabul, and Thom Shanker from Beijing.
Restaurant Review: Ichimura at Brushstroke in TriBeCa
MANY people who love restaurants dream about discovering an extraordinary one that nobody else knows about and keeping it secret. I’d always thought I was one of them until the Friday night not long ago when I ate with a guest in an empty sushi bar in TriBeCa. During the two hours we sat there, no customers arrived to claim the six other - By PETE WELLS
10 THINGS TO KNOW FOR MONDAY - Chicago News and Weather | FOX ...
6 days ago ... By The Associated Press Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about Monday:
bathroom being done and one of many things water leaked all way to down stairs.ive just got an electric shock?
i had my bathroom done by a friend recommending him. on the 1st day he forgot to put on the stop taps and water was gushing from my light in the downstairs celling! the next day after using the main stop tap it broke! last thursday he rushed putting in the shower as he was due to go away for the weekend. he left knowing there was a leak on the shower saying itll be fine. he told this to a member of my family. i turned up no more than 15 minutes after he left and the whole wall on the back of the shower was wet. i rang the guy and no answer. the following morning it had spread down the wall to the socket point, by that afternoon the water was in my landing downstairs. the wooden floor has curved,the paint has peeled around the door frame and the wall paper on the light and down the wall over the light switch was all soggy. i turned the water off to the house. my daughters christening came and went that weekend in a blurr. we did get hold of him on the saturday, he said he would come 1st thing monday morning and will fix all the damage it has caused etc
monday morning came and i got abuse saying he was in bed and dont you speak to me like that, down the phone. he decided to come today in the afternoon. he has ripped the shower out for the 3rd time and put a metal plate in there, saying he will be back monday morning to fix it as it needs to dry. the whole bathroom has faults he has done more good than bad in my house due to the bathroom. just now i have gone to switch on a light downstairs and for the first time in my life i now know what its like to have a electric shock! it hurt and i can still feel the sensation! i have a 10 month old daughter, i can not afford to get someone else in or court action and really dont know what to do?? i fear for our safety. Ive researched and found out i should try to talk with the guy but Im scared he will do more damage than good. my trust in him has gone.
please help and give me advice
Answer: You are in a difficult position and as a plumber I can say that plumbing is not a job you can rush as it has the kind of consequences you are experiencing. Yes common decency says you should talk to this guy and in theory he should be given the opportunity to sort out the problems he has caused but I can also see why you have lost faith in his ability and he has it would seem that he has by his actions put your and other families lives in danger.Has he been payed for his work as it doesnt seem from your description that he had finished the job so if not then dont pay. You will need the money to pay someone to sort this all out plus any damage caused and you should be able to make a claim via the County Courts Small Claims Procedure for this. This will cost you initially but you will get it back with a winning case.Take pictures of the damage and make a list of anything that cannot be photographed and get at least 2 estimates to carry out all of the repairs needed with any decorating etc and submit the claim asap. We all have off days but this chap seems to be writing the book on bad days and plumbers from hell. Good luck.
Category: Do It Yourself (DIY)
10 THINGS TO KNOW FOR MONDAY - News - Boston.com
Sep 16, 2012 ... Astronaut Kathryn "Kay" Hire, a captain with the U.S. Navy who has logged over 711 hours in space, speaks to reporters as the space shuttle ...
ON BASEBALL; Questions Surround Two Yankees Pillars
Look around baseball, and you appreciate more and more what the Yankees did in 2009. They spent big on three free agents before that season -- C. C. Sabathia , Mark Teixeira and A. J. Burnett -- and immediately won the World Series. This is the dream that keeps owners spending and helps agents do their jobs. Teams with money look for that one magic - Tyler Kepner On Baseball column notes that the New York Yankees continue to count on first baseman Mark Teixeira and pitcher C C Sabathia three years after they helped the team win the World Series in 2009, but acknowledges that both have been hampered by injuries. Photo (M)0 - By TYLER KEPNER
Good morning! 10+ things to know for Monday » Naples Daily News
6 days ago ... Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about today.
Maths homework help please!!!! 10 points to best answer... im desperate!?
Im 15 and I have some maths homework which I really dont understand. (Pythagorass Thereom)
It says...
1. This right-angled triangle of sides 3 4 and 5cm.. (there is a picture of it).... units have been met before
It is one of a number of right angled triangles that have integer sidelengthss.
If we enlarge the triangle by scale factor 2... we get the second figure (theres a diagram... sides now 10, 8 & 6cm)
a) choose any enlargement scale factor and enlarge the 3 4 5 cm triangle.
b) Does Pythagorass theorem hold for your triangle?
c) Sketch 5 ore similar right-angled triangles which are enlargements of the 3 4 5 cm Triangle and see if Pythagorass theorem holds for them all.
d) Write down a further 5 more right-angled triangles that are simple enlargements of the 3 4 & 5cm triangle.
I am SO confused, please help me... I did Pythagoras thereom last year, found it quite difficult, but I have NO idea what this is about!
Please help me, tell me what to do, you know what I mean, im so stuck and its due in first thing monday morning!
Answer: The pythagorean theorem is a^2 + b^2 = c^2, where a and b are lengths of sides in a right triangle, and c is the lenght of the hypotenuse. So in your 3-4-5 triangle, the pythagorean theorem would be set up like:
3^2 + 4^2 = 5^2
9 + 16 = 25
25 = 25
It can also be used to find a missing side length or the length of the hypotenuse if neither is given to you. For example, you know the lengths of the sides of a right triangle are 3 and 4, and you need to find the hypotenuse.
a^2 + b^2 = c^2
3^2 + 4^2 = c^2
9 + 16 = c^2
25 = c^2
squareroot(25) = c
c = 5
a) just choose any number and multiply the side lengths (3, 4, and 5) by it. For example, if you choose 3, the new lenghts are 9, 12, and 15
b) Use the pythagorean theorem with the new side lengths from part a and see if the answer comes out correctly.
9^2 + 12^2 = 15^2
81 + 144 = 225
225 = 225
so yes, Pythagoras's theorem holds for the triangle.
c) repeat steps a and b above 5 times.
d) repeat step a above 5 more times.
Category: Homework Help
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about Monday:
10 Things to Know for Monday. Posted Monday, August 27, 2012 --- 7:35 a.m.. Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about today. 1. TROPICAL WEATHER. UPDATE: ...
Sep 23, 2012 ... From Yahoo! News: Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about Monday:
I need to get a celebrity autograph signed to "Group 32" by friday 6TH OCT for a uni project any ideas?
Just so every1 Knows were were given this project on monday weve got 10 things to do but this task is a tricky 1, im doin bA Advertising
To Sundaeg1rl i will ask this question as many times as i like! hence how else am i gonna get the most useful answers!
Answer: What has this got to do with the UEFA Champions League?
Try ebay
Category: UEFA Champions League
ON BASEBALL; Stuck in the Present, Looking to the Future
Something big was brewing at Citi Field on Monday. At least that is how it looked. The Mets installed three rows of temporary seats behind the backstop, on either side of home plate, the way they did at Shea Stadium for the playoffs and World Series. There were so many folding chairs and so much plexiglass that you almost expected the league - Tyler Kepner On Baseball column notes that the New York Mets have had a disappointing second half of the season, yet again, and foretells that there may be many changes in next years roster. (M) - By TYLER KEPNER
What shall i do now with my friend? Please help me? ( 10 points for best answer )?
This is kinda long and detailed", but i would be GREATFUL if you can help me. please. :(
Ok so I am joseph, 15 years old.I came from the philippines. I am gay. I am IN LOVE with one of my male bestfriends. well, this is my story. i met this guy named Mark last 2011 summer. He was my summer classmate. At our Sophomore years, we become close friends. BUT not super close. I mean still, there is a point that isnt reached yet. WE usually talk in the class. Sometimes text each other.
In the summer of 2012 I told him "would you transfer to other school?" he said yes. I told him I would miss him. I weeks later, I ask him "why do you need to transfer to other school?" he said "Why, cuz you will miss me? >:D" he trolls around. ugh. I never tried saying dramatic statements to him anymore since then.
Well anyway, in our Junior year, Which is this year, We become "SUPER CLOSE" because we started texting each other in our "days of no sleep" ( days before 1st quarter test xD haha ). We talk about different things. Specially about this mysterious girl (which he is inlove with ) whioch he later on revealed that she is my cuzin haha :D ( it doesnt really hurt at first ).
Since those "days" we become super close. we always talk, anytime. everywhere. in lunch he sat beside me and talks with me. talks with me in recess. etc. he always sits beside me, text me, hangs out with me etc.
I have to leave school and go to USA for a month to process my immigrant status. so in aug. 30, friday, my classmates started biding me goodbye. mark always sits beside me, and some of my friends sat besides me and cried. after that, after class, me and mark go to our city together and i told him "I cant believe THEY cared for me and cried for me" he told me "THEY, THEY?" I told him " ohw, r U included?" he told me "of course" i said " I CANT BELIEVE YOU ALL cared for me" he told me "Yeah, cuz they cant control their feelings. i was about to cry but i hold it" I thought he was joking so i laugh.
In saturday, we went swimming with my close friends. After swimming, he later texted me and said "hey, why do u need to go to the USA" i said "why, cuz ull loose a close friend?" he said "YEAH, and the ONLY ONE whom I can share my problems with." I said "its ok, its just a month". he said "yeah, but i will miss u."
In monday, my last day before i leave they are crying. One of my friends told me ( because mark is beside me seating ) "do you know hes eyes last FRIDAY is very red, yeah, mark almost cried. right mark?" and I realize mark is not lying.
everyone was saying goodbye to me sa i said to him " bye mark" he said "stop it, ur making me cry." i thought he was joking so i said to him " but seriously mark, this is my last goodbye" and then he cried. i was SHOCKED. it was only 4 students left there so he cried.
when we are on our way to d city, he told me "now joseph, who will i share my problems with if ur not here? " via txt. i said "its just a month mark. dont worry.
He even told me days before i left, i told him, mark will you miss me? he said ofcourse. in his gm he includes me in those chain messages ragrding to "real good friends" i will tell him"oh really, I am a good friend?" he will tell me, "OF course you are."
That night via text he included in his GM (group message) "damn, its hard to imagine that i wont be seeing you for a month. Bye joseph. I will ALWAYS miss you." on the day before i leave he gm again "bye joseph take care, i will miss you"
NOw, I am planning to tell him That he is 65 ( i made a codename for my special someone, which is him). I am planning to tell him that i am gay when i reach the philippines. I plan to tell him this feb or march. but the thing is HE IS HOMOPHOBIC. :(
When we talk about homosexuality, and if i ask him what he thinks about gays he says "I dont like them cuz they irritate me." etc. but also here in the philippines, when you say gay, its not like in america that looks descent or watsoever, when u say gay in phil, they look like horses, a whore. etc. not all of them is descent.
by the way, he is super inlove with my cuz and he is even broken hearted cuz he thinks, my cuz will never love him. but how will she like him if he doesnt even tell her. :P
What hurts is that, i realize that i can never have the person i love. i can never have a typical straight family, etc. :(
:( SO how do i tell him about me? :( please help me
Answer: Hi Joseph, for starters I think he will miss having his best friend around to confide in I don't think he means it romantically, also if he is homophobic and you tell him you are gay he might freak out, so I think maybe drop some hints first, don't just blurt it out to him, when you go city with him next time maybe say in passing that the guy across the street is cute, ease him into the idea that you are gay, furthermore you will find the person you are meant to spend your life with, and you will be able to have the perfect family gay or straight a typical family is whatever you decide it to be not what society deems it to be. Big love to you xxxx
Category: Friends
who the HELL was it that had that Legacy sign that was in 3 parts on Raw on Monday? 10 points?
ok, I am not going to lie. I LOVE Legacy and went through months of work to create an incredible sign with a drawing of all 3 guys. I had been working on it since April for the show that was aired this past Monday (7/27). If you dont want to click my link fine, but here is even a picture of the sign (note I did some things after this picture was taken to make it stand out more): http://c3.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/101/l_68884b901e4a4f61825fac038e3a2b0a.jpg
Now I know Legacy is sort of made out to be the bad guys, so I believed chances were nobody would have a sign about them. I mean when I watch Raw on TV I dont believe I see many signs about them. Therefore I just knew I was garunteed to get on TV with my sign, especially being as great as it was. But no. Lo and behold some other losers had an even bigger 3 part sign with just pictures of the guys, no drawing nothing, and THEY were shown on TV instead of ME! So WTF?? What are the odds that when I go to a show THAT would be the ONE time when somebody else happens to have a huge sign like that, and it just happens to be about Legacy too? So here is what I believe happened. I tweeted to Cody Rhodes and some friends about the Legacy sign I made and told them to watch Raw and look for it. What I believe happend was some other people saw the tweet, or someone told them about it, and so then they just made that 3 part sign just to spite me or outdo me so I wouldnt get shown on TV and Cody wouldnt see my sign, because I even saw him looking for it. This has to be the case. Because I NEVER see people with Legacy signs when I watch Raw, so you CANNOT tell me it is just a coincidence that those people would just happen to have that 3 part sign, and about Legacy, at the same show where I had my sign. So I want to know who the losers are that had the 3 part sign. If someone knows who they are I will give you 10 points, or for best answer. I just want an apology from them, because that was the only show I have ever been to and they really ruined the evening for me. It was bad enough my camera died so I couldnt take pictures.
If you listen to thebottomline you are a loser. Go to the link for yourself and you will see how great it is. Otherwise stfu about it being bad before I report you.
I was sitting just a few rows behind the announce table. Are you telling me my sign could not be seen from there?
Answer: I like your drawing and i see why your upset. You worked hard on yours and when someone just cuts and glues some pictures they show theres a lot. It depends where you were sitting. He was in the front so he was easier to catch. If you were also in the front then i don't get what was wrong with them. One time i drew a picture of Undertaker and HBK and i thought it was awesome. The camera was poiting towards me so i showed my sign. Then this dumb 8 year old girl holds up her John Cena sign which was a poster on a sign and she put it in front of my sign and held it up practically the whole sign. I was getting ready to cut her sign in half.
Well then WWE is just acting stupid. I don't know why they wouldn't show your sign. I really like it and your sign would have been shown on T.V
Category: Wrestling
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about Monday ...
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10 Things to Know for Monday: Europe rebounds to retain Ryder Cup. Team overcomes 4-point deficit for victory over U.S. From: WEWSsports - Source: HootSuite
10 Things to Know for Monday: Europe rebounds to retain Ryder Cup. Team overcomes 4-point deficit for victory over U.S. From: WEWS - Source: HootSuite
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10 Things to Know for Monday: 10 Things to Know for Monday Associated Press - 30 September… http://t.co/5UYuOEDq From: pixeldome - Source: Google
10 Things to Know for Monday: Medicare will fine facilities that readmit too many people within 30 days. From: WEWS - Source: HootSuite
10 Things to Know for Monday: @AP review says to win, Mitt Romney would need to quickly gain upper hand in 9 hotly contested states. From: WEWSpolitics - Source: HootSuite
10 Things to Know for Monday: @AP review says to win, Mitt Romney would need to quickly gain upper hand in 9 hotly contested states. From: WEWS - Source: HootSuite
10 Things to Know for Monday: SUPCO justices return w/ rulings ahead on affirmative action, gay marriage and voting rights. From: WEWS - Source: HootSuite
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10 Things to Know for Monday: 10 Things to Know for Monday
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